Tag: ChatGPT

  • 100 Days, 100 GPTs: The Dawn of Custom ChatGPT

    100 Days, 100 GPTs: The Dawn of Custom ChatGPT

    In an ongoing endeavor that aims to span 100 days, I, BlueBirdBack, am in the process of creating a new GPT each day. This ambitious project aims to explore the vast potential of ChatGPT customization, highlighting the diversity and specificity with which ChatGPT can be tailored. Each GPT is designed for a unique use case,…

  • What Is OpenAI’s GPT Store?

    Hey there, my soon-to-be GPT wizards! So, you’ve stumbled upon my little corner of the internet where I’m going to spill the beans on OpenAI’s GPT Store. It’s like a magical bazaar, but instead of flying carpets and genie lamps, we’ve got these brainy digital genies called GPTs. They’re like ChatGPT’s more ambitious siblings, each…