What is this about?
ChatGPT has a new tool that lets you talk with it using your voice. This is changing how people learn English in a very good way. When you can have real talks with ChatGPT, you can get better at:
- Speaking English
- Understanding what you hear
- Saying words the right way
- Learning new words
- Using good grammar
- Speaking English more easily
In this guide, we will show you the best ways to use this Advanced Voice Mode to learn English faster. These tips can help you if you are just starting to learn English, or if you already speak it well but want to get even better.
Part 1: Getting Ready to Start
Before you begin practicing English by talking with ChatGPT, you need to set things up the right way. Here’s what to do:
1. Get the newest ChatGPT app
You need to have the newest version of ChatGPT on your phone. Go to your phone’s app store, find ChatGPT, and click Update if you see that choice.
2. Turn on the Advanced Voice Mode
Open ChatGPT and tap the voice icon at the bottom right of your screen. The app will ask if it can use your phone’s microphone – say yes, because it needs this to work.

3. Pick a voice you like
You can choose from nine different voices for ChatGPT. Try voices like:
- Arbor (easygoing and versatile)
- Juniper (open and upbeat)
- Ember (confident and optimistic)
- Breeze (animated and earnest)
- Cove (composed and direct)
- Maple (cheerful and candid)
- Sol (savvy and relaxed)
- Spruce (calm and affirming)
- Vale (bright and inquisitive)
Pick one that:
- Is easy to understand
- Sounds nice to you
- Helps you learn best
You can change the voice any time in settings or from the menu in the top right corner during a talk.
4. Know about time limits
ChatGPT Plus and Team users can talk for a set time each day. You’ll get a notice when you have 15 minutes left. Free users can try the advanced voice feature for a limited time each month.
When your time runs out, you can still keep talking with the standard voice feature.
5. Learn how voice chats work
There are two kinds of voice chats:
- Advanced voice: This understands how fast you talk and can show feeling in its answers
- Standard voice: This changes what you say into writing first, then answers you
Both kinds can:
- Remember things about you
- Follow your special instructions
- Keep working when you use other apps
- Save your talks so you can look at them later
But they can’t:
- Make music or sing
- Have more than one talk at the same time
- Show words on the screen while talking (subtitles)
- You can’t use advanced voice with special ChatGPT helpers (GPTs)
- You can only have one voice chat going at a time
- Your talks are saved as writing that you can look at later
- You can pick if you want to share your voice talks to help make ChatGPT better
6. Learn the speaking commands
You can tell ChatGPT what to do by saying special words. Try saying:
- “Repeat that”
- “Speak slower”
- “Speak 20% slower”
When you’re ready, you can start using these tips to learn English. You can look at any part that helps with what you want to learn.
Part 2: How to Get Better Quickly
1. Have Real Talks
The best thing about ChatGPT’s Advanced Voice Mode is that you can have real talks, just like with a person. This helps you learn useful English quickly.
Tips for having good talks:
- Talk about things you like
- Ask questions when you want to know more
- Answer in your own way
- Talk like you would with a friend
This is better than just learning words from a book because:
- You use English in real ways
- You practice thinking in English
- You learn new words by using them
- You learn good grammar by practicing it
Some helpful things to try:
- Try not to stop for too long when talking
- If you make a mistake, keep going
- If you don’t know a word, try to say it in a different way
- Change how fast you talk
- Change how your voice goes up and down
- Show how you feel when you talk
To see how you’re getting better:
- See how long you can talk without stopping
- Try to talk for 1 minutes, then 3, then 5
- Try to think less in your first language
- Try to speak more smoothly over time
This helps you:
- Feel more sure about speaking English
- Get better at talking for longer times
- Learn to speak without thinking too hard
2. Learn Important Words and Phrases
While talking a lot helps you learn English, it’s also good to learn common phrases that people use every day. The Advanced Voice Mode can help you practice these.
How to start:
- Ask ChatGPT “What are 10 ways to say hello in English?”
- Ask for phrases you need, like “How do I write good emails in English?”
- Say the phrases out loud many times
- Use them in sentences
Some very useful phrases to learn:
- “How’s it going?”
- “Thanks so much!”
- “No worries.”
- “Let me know if you need help.”
- “Sorry, I didn’t hear that.”
- “I was wondering if…”
- “The thing is…”
- “I’m sorry, but I can’t…”
These phrases help you:
- Talk with friends
- Talk at work
- Deal with many everyday situations
To learn more:
- Ask ChatGPT how phrases are different from each other
- For example: “What’s different about saying ‘Sorry I’m late’ and ‘My apologies for the delay’?”
- Learn groups of similar phrases
- Like phrases that start with “Time is…” or “Life is…”
Tips for remembering phrases:
- Practice them many times
- Use each new phrase at least 3-5 times when you talk
- Listen for these phrases when ChatGPT uses them
- Try to use more phrases as you learn them
When you know many phrases:
- Your English will sound more natural
- You will speak more easily
- You will know the right thing to say in different situations
3. Practice Real Life Talks
Use ChatGPT to practice talks that you might have in real life. This helps you learn both the words you need and how to use them the right way.
First, think about when you need to use English. For example:
- When you eat at a restaurant
- When you stay at a hotel
- When you meet a friend for coffee
- When you see a doctor
- When you have a job interview
- When you give a talk at work
- When you talk about big ideas with people
How to practice:
1. For each situation:
- Ask ChatGPT what words people usually use
- Like “What do people say when they order food?”
- Or “How can I be nice when I disagree with someone?”
2. Then have a practice talk:
- Tell ChatGPT what to be (like a waiter or doctor)
- Try to make it feel real
- For example: “You are a waiter at an Italian restaurant. I want pasta and a sweet thing after.”
3. After the talk:
- Think about what was easy
- Think about what was hard
- Ask about things you’re not sure about
- Like “How much money should I give for a tip?”
Tips for better practice:
- Try each talk many times
- Make the talks harder bit by bit
- For example: First learn to order food, then learn to ask for special food if you can’t eat some things
- Keep practicing until you feel ready to do it in real life
- It’s normal to feel worried about speaking English
- Practicing with ChatGPT is a good way to feel less worried
- You don’t need perfect grammar
- The more you practice different talks, the better you’ll be at speaking English in real life
- When you meet real English speakers, you’ll know what to expect
4. Fix Hard-to-Say Words
Some English words are hard to say right. This might be because:
- Some letters are silent (like in “debt”)
- Some sounds don’t match how words look
- Different places say words differently
How to practice hard sounds:
1. Make a list
- Write down words that are hard for you to say
- For example: words with “th” or words where “l” and “r” sound different
- Ask ChatGPT to give you more words with these hard sounds
2. Practice the words
- Say each word very slowly at first
- Listen to how ChatGPT says it
- Try to copy ChatGPT
- ChatGPT can tell you:
- Where to put your tongue
- How to shape your mouth
- Keep practicing until you can say it right 3-5 times
3. Practice in sentences
- Ask ChatGPT for sentences with your hard sounds
- For example, if “th” is hard: “I think three things”
- Say these sentences slowly
- Try to say all the hard sounds right
- Try to speak smoothly too
4. Listen to yourself
- Use ChatGPT to hear your words again
- Compare how you say words to how ChatGPT says them
- Try to make your way sound more like ChatGPT’s way
Important things to remember:
- Some wrong sounds can change what a word means
- Like saying “tree” instead of “three”
- Or “ship” instead of “sheep”
- Practice these words extra carefully
- Ask ChatGPT to tell you when you say something wrong
- You don’t need to sound perfect
- Everyone has their own way of speaking
- The most important thing is that people can understand you
To see how you’re getting better:
- Record yourself talking with ChatGPT
- Listen to it later
- See which words are still hard
- Practice these words more
5. Have Long Talks About One Topic
Having long talks about things you know well helps you:
- Learn special words for that topic
- Explain your ideas better
- Understand hard information in English
How to start:
1. Pick your topics
- Things about your job
- Things you study
- Things you like
- News you care about
2. Plan your talks
- Pick one topic for each talk
- Try to talk for 10 minutes about it
- Tell ChatGPT what you want to talk about
- This helps ChatGPT help you better
3. How to have good topic talks
- Start with a big question
- Like “What are the hard things about my job?”
- Try to use the right words, not just easy ones
- If you don’t know a word:
- Try to explain what you mean
- Ask ChatGPT for the right word
- Write down new words to practice later
4. How to say more
- Give examples for everything you say
- Bad example: “Cities changed a lot”
- Good example: “Cities changed a lot because many people moved there to work in factories”
- Use phrases like:
- “Let me explain more”
- “Another important thing is…”
- “This happened because…”
5. How to learn more
- Ask ChatGPT what it thinks
- Ask if you forgot anything important
- Say if you agree or disagree
- Ask what new words mean
- Use new words right away
- At the end, say the main things you learned
- It’s good to try to say hard things
- It’s okay if you make mistakes
- Write down words you had trouble with
- Practice these words later
- Try harder topics when you’re ready
- Like talking about:
- New computer things
- Science news
- Big world problems
6. Learn How to Show Feelings When You Speak
In English, it’s not just what you say – it’s how you say it. You show feelings through:
- Which words you choose
- How your voice goes up and down
- Which parts of words you make stronger
- Your face
How to practice:
1. Start with short words
The same words can mean different things when you say them differently:
- “Great!” (happy voice) = You really like it
- “Great…” (tired voice) = You don’t like it
- “I didn’t do it” (strong on ‘didn’t’) = Someone else did it
- “I didn’t do it” (strong on ‘I’) = Someone else said you did
How to practice this:
- Tell ChatGPT how you want to sound
- Say the words
- Ask if you sounded right
- Try again if needed
2. Listen to ChatGPT
- Notice how its voice changes
- Notice when it sounds happy, sad, or unsure
- Try to copy how it changes its voice
- See how it uses different words for different situations
3. Practice real talks
Try talks where your voice is very important:
- Telling someone they did something wrong (but being nice about it)
- Being kind when someone is sad
4. Learn to be gentle
Instead of “You’re late” (sounds hard), say:
- “You’re a little bit late” (sounds softer)
- “I might be wrong but…”
- “Maybe I didn’t understand…”
- “I know it’s not your fault…”
5. Try harder practice
Ask ChatGPT to give you words you can say in different ways:
Like “You got the job!”
You can say this:
- In a happy way (you’re really glad)
- In an angry way (you think it’s not fair)
- In a joking way (you’re having fun)
- Even if you use the right words, people might not understand if you say them the wrong way
- Ask ChatGPT “Did I sound the way I wanted to?”
- Ask “Did I sound friendly? Angry? Sad?”
- Keep practicing until your voice shows what you really mean
7. Learn Special English Sayings and New Words
English speakers often use:
- Special sayings (idioms) like “It’s raining cats and dogs”
- New, fun words (slang) like “cool” or “awesome”
- Things from movies, TV, or news that everyone knows about
How to learn idioms:
1. Start simple
- Ask ChatGPT for 5-10 common idioms
- Learn what each one really means
- For example:
- “It’s raining cats and dogs” = It’s raining very hard
- “Break a leg” = Good luck
- Try using these in your talks
- ChatGPT will tell you if you use them wrong
- Write down the ones you want to remember
2. Learn new, fun words (slang):
- Ask what words young people use now
- Learn when to use each word
- Learn which words are not polite
- Practice using them when talking to friends
- Don’t use them in serious talks
3. Learn about English things everyone knows:
- Tell ChatGPT where you’re from
- Ask about famous:
- People
- TV shows
- Movies
- Books
- News stories
- Learn why these things are important
- Compare them to famous things in your country
Tips for learning:
- When you hear a new saying or word, ask what it means
- Make cards to help you remember:
- Write the saying on one side
- Write what it means on the other side
- Write when to use it
- Notice when ChatGPT uses these things
- Try using them yourself
- Special sayings make your English more colorful
- New words help you sound more natural
- Knowing about movies and TV helps you understand jokes
- Using these well shows you know English very well
- It feels good when English speakers smile because you used these right!
8. Learn Grammar Through Examples
Good grammar helps people understand you better. You can learn grammar rules by looking at examples and practicing them.
How to learn:
1. Ask for examples
- Tell ChatGPT which grammar rule you want to learn
- Ask for 3 examples using that rule
- For example, ask: “Show me how to use ‘had been’ with ‘-ing’ words”
- You might see:
- “She had been studying English for 5 years”
- “They had been playing tennis for hours”
- “I had been working on this job for months”
2. Understand the examples
- Look at how each example works
- Ask ChatGPT to explain why each one is right
- Find the important parts in each example
- Like finding “had been” and “-ing” words
3. Make your own examples
- Try to make new sentences using the rule
- Say them to ChatGPT
- Listen to what ChatGPT says about them
- Keep trying until you can make 4-5 right ones
4. Learn from wrong examples
- Ask ChatGPT to show wrong examples
- Learn why they are wrong
- This helps you not make the same mistakes
5. Use what you learn
- Try to use new grammar in your talks
- After talking, check if you used it right
- When ChatGPT fixes your grammar:
- Ask why it was wrong
- Ask for more examples
- Ask about the rule
Tips for getting better:
- Write down grammar rules you find hard
- Work most on the ones you need most
- Practice these rules a lot
- See if ChatGPT fixes your grammar less over time
- English has some strange rules
- Don’t worry too much about rare rules
- Focus on grammar you’ll use most
- The more you practice, the more natural it will feel
9. Get Help Just for You
Everyone learns English differently. ChatGPT can help you find the best ways for you to learn.
How to start:
1. Tell ChatGPT about yourself:
- How good your English is now
- What you want to learn
- What you’re good at
- What you find hard
- When you want to learn it by
- How much time you can practice
- What you like to do
- When you need to use English
2. Get special help:
- Ask for 3-5 ways to learn faster
- ChatGPT might tell you about:
- Good websites
- Things to listen to
- Books to read
- New habits to try
- Ways to practice
3. Make the help work for you:
- Ask why each idea is good for you
- Think about what might make it hard
- Pick the ideas you really want to try
- Ask for help when you:
- Feel stuck
- Get bored
- Need new things to learn
- Feel tired
- Have less time
4. Keep track of how you’re doing:
- Tell ChatGPT what you tried each week
- Be happy when you learn new things
- Fix things that aren’t working
- Change your plan when you need to
- Ask ChatGPT:
- “What am I good at?”
- “What should I work on more?”
- ChatGPT is like having a teacher in your phone
- Tell it your ideas for learning
- Ask if your ideas are good
- Look back at how much better you got
- Keep changing how you learn to make it work for you
The best way to learn English is the way that works for you!
10. Check How You’re Getting Better
It’s important to see how your English is improving. Here’s how to check using ChatGPT:
First Test: Give a Short Talk
- Talk for 2-3 minutes about something you like
- Pick something you know well, like:
- A hobby you love
- Your job
- Your town
Then Ask ChatGPT About:
1. How smooth was your talking?
- Did you stop a lot?
- Did you say “um” or “uh” too much?
2. What words did you use?
- Did you use good words?
- Did you use the same words too much?
- What better words could you use?
3. Was your grammar right?
- What mistakes did you make?
- Were they big or small mistakes?
4. Did you say words clearly?
- Which words were hard to hear?
- Which sounds were hard for you?
5. Did your talk make sense?
- Did one idea lead to the next?
- How could you make it better?
6. How did you sound?
- Did you sound happy about your topic?
- Did you sound like you knew a lot?
Second Test: Have a Free Talk
- Pick any topic
- Talk with ChatGPT like a friend
- Try to keep talking for 10 minutes
- Then give yourself points (1=bad, 5=good) for:
- How fast you answered
- How much you said
- How much you understood
- How fun the talk was
- How sure of yourself you seemed
More Ways to Check:
1. Record yourself talking:
- Save short talks (1-2 minutes)
- Listen to old ones each month
- See how much better you sound
2. Try talking to real people:
- Order food in English
- Talk to tourists
- Tell ChatGPT how it went
- Check your English often
- Fix the things that need work
- Be happy when you see improvement
- Keep working on what’s hard
What We Learned
ChatGPT’s Advanced Voice Mode can help you get much better at English quickly. When you talk with ChatGPT, you learn:
- New words
- Good grammar
- How English speakers talk
- How to feel sure when speaking
The 10 Best Ways to Learn:
- Have real talks to learn natural English
- Learn common phrases to sound more natural
- Practice real-life talks to get ready for them
- Work on saying words the right way
- Have long talks about things you know
- Learn how to show feelings when you talk
- Learn fun words and sayings English speakers use
- Learn grammar by seeing how it works
- Get help that works just for you
- Check how you’re getting better
Important Things to Remember:
- These ways work better when you use them together
- The more you practice, the better you’ll get
- Your English will change from slow and unsure to clear and strong
Keep in Mind:
- Everyone is always learning English, even people who grew up speaking it
- Don’t try to be perfect – just try to keep getting better
- If you feel stuck:
- Look at this guide again
- See what you stopped doing
- Ask ChatGPT for help
Why This Matters:
- You can make friends with people from other places
- You can travel and get what you need
- You can read and watch things from all over the world
Keep Going!
- Be curious
- Don’t give up when it’s hard
- Think about all the good things that will happen when your English is better
- Practice these ways with ChatGPT
- You can do it!
Good luck with your learning! 😊
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